Taking your ideas seriously

Gregor Kosi

If you want to do something like Pekarna, you have to have a team. I am only the puppet. Behind me there are at least 20, 30 or even 40 people who are taking Pekarna very seriously. It’s not a story about some individual, it’s always a story about a group of people. They all need to be very honest and very responsible to each other; otherwise everything brakes down. It was probably Lenin who said that it’s not the authorities who will kill us, but the idiots amongst us. I take this very seriously, I think it’s completely true. What the authorities are afraid of the most, is to have on the other side of the table someone who really means what he is doing completely, who is giving all his time, his whole life, to an idea. Normally they work like this: „We will give you, say, 2000 Euros, and you do something for it. Now go away.“ But if they see on the other side of the table people who take their idea seriously, who will work on it, with or without them, they are unsure and step back.

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Gregor Kosi

Gregor Kosi

Director of Pekarna Magdalenske mreže in Maribor, Slovenia

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