Creativity Zentrum - non-profit private association

Jone Zubiaga

<span>At the beginning as it was a really big project for the Basque country and we had some support from the regional - Basque government. Nowadays they don’t help us regularly - they don’t give us a yearly fund, but they do help us on specific projects that we are developing. We present the projects to them and can get some financial support. Some other projects which have big impact are also funded by private companies or brands that want to participate on these projects. We provide also some consulting work for other companies, institutions and whole regions and that also gives us resources to develop our projects - projects that don’t bring us any money. <b>Co.lab</b> is our co-working space where people pay rent for having their own desk - it’s like 200 euros every month, but as we have some projects focused on helping entrepreneurs, sometimes we make an exception and people can stay here at a very first phase of their project without a charge and just develop here.&nbsp;</span>

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Jone Zubiaga

Jone Zubiaga

Creativity Zentrum in Bilbao, Spain

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