What are the Creative Industries?

Bernd Fesel

There was a debate in Germany in the last ten years about the definition of creative industries. In 2007, the European Commission published a report on cultural economy, where it also defines creative industries. Germany, which held the EU presidency at the time, created on its basis its own federal definition of the term. This comprises 11 branches, including the classical cultural branches such as theatre, literature, music together with branches such as architecture, design, computer games, advertising, film and the TV industry. In Germany, 200 000 companies work in these industries, which employ one million people and produce 63 billion Euros of added value each year. The creative industries are the third largest branch of the German economy. It thus makes no sense for local politicians to negate such a powerful industry.

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Bernd Fesel

Bernd Fesel

Founder of European Centre for Creative Economy

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