Trial & Error

Eberhard Schrempf

There are a lot of people who seem crazy. You should give them a chance to be keep their craziness and give them some money to develop their craziness more because craziness is very important. Creativity is always trial and error. The error in the creative work is normal. All the work in the creative field is error, error, error, error and then at some point they get a very good idea and it takes off straight away. Trial and error is a very important principle where creative work or work with ideas is concerned. So my advice would be – trust the creative people and give them a chance to live this trial and error principle. Constant measuring, constant focus on what is the benefit, what is the success, how can it be measured in money – this is not the way. If you want to develop a really nice, good atmosphere of a place, its spirit, then you have to feed the spirit – you need to allow for trial and error. Graz was always a city where things were possible that were not possible in other cities. That’s why people in Vienna or other cities always used to say – in Graz you are so lucky, you can do things we never could. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s because of our pumpkin seed oil. I really don’t know, but we have a tradition from the early 1960s on – of people doing crazy things here.

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Eberhard Schrempf

Eberhard Schrempf

Managing Director of the Creative Industries Styria in Graz, Austria

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