Changing Landscape of Support System in UK

Brendan Moffett

So in recent times in the UK, it is probably fair to say that there have been rather lower levels of business support in the system than were with the previous government. For some people it is a problem because, you know, it is difficult to do things without money, without funding and without support. For other people it is as an opportunity and they inevitably find a way around the things if they got good idea and then make it happen regardless of the support structures. 

I think in that changing landscape is important that our companies are aware of what is out there and that there is a good interface with national initiatives. So they are always very keen on working with national bodies, be that the Arts Council, be that Creative England, be that the Technology Strategy Board. 
We act as an interface with those national organizations and help pinpoint opportunities and programs that may be relevant to our businesses and here in the region. So there is still support out there, but you have to really do your homework on understanding how to access it and put in the right proposal together to be rewarded any of that funding support.

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Brendan Moffett

Brendan Moffett

Director of Strategic Marketing at Creative Sheffield in Sheffield, United Kingdom

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