Networking of NOASS

Kate Zilgalve

NOASS has been a member of Trans Europe Halles since 2007. We have been quite an active member, I would say. We participated in Engine Room Europe project with several activities. Our former director Zanda was the member of board several years ago. So we were and we still are involved in the activities of the network. And we try to bring our ideas there and take as much as possible from the network. We also hosted one of the meetings, that was in 2011 spring. I hope you remember that those who are the members of Trans Europe Halles.

So besides that as an organization that hosts the artists, we also are a member of ResArtis. And as we work with European Voluntary Service and the Youth Programme there are also some platforms and we participate in there. So there is a lot of international cooperation and it very much helps if you do something quite different back home like in your home country and then you meet all those people who do similar or the same things abroad and you compare your experience, exchange you experience, your ideas. But as you are working in different countries, I would say there is not so much competition between the organizations. And it is more like support and coaching and idea exchange between the members of them, mostly I would say between the managers and the leaders of the organizations but I think that everybody can find something for themselves there.

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Kate Zilgalve

Kate Zilgalve


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