Public Involvement

Dick Penny, MBE

We work very closely with the local authority, Bristol City Council, across a very broad spectrum of activities. They have been a long-term investor in our organisation, they have donated our other building to us. They see us as absolutely vital for cultural provision and social cohesion in the city, for economic development and helping the education sector develop the skills of the young people for the modern world. At the moment I’m part of something called the Bristol Partnership which brings together the local authority, the health and education services, the police service, the private sector and the voluntary sector to drive strategy for the overall development of the city. In Bristol it is recognized that cultural participation, people actually getting engaged in culture, is what drives a healthy city. Investment in culture has a huge impact right across every aspect of the city’s life.

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Dick Penny, MBE

Dick Penny, MBE

Managing Director of the Watershed Media Centre in Bristol, United Kingdom

Full biography