Gregor Kosi

Gregor Kosi

Director of Pekarna Magdalenske mreže in Maribor, Slovenia

Gregor Kosi is a poet and in his free time also the director of Pekarna – magdalenske mreže in Maribor, Slovenia. With his co-workers he’s trying to establish the boundary between the multi-culti of European levelling and the noise of the temporary. Instead of pluralism and reflection, he opts for distinction and gesture. Fed by his studies in Sociology of Culture and History, trained in initiatives for free and community media, public space and political reasoning, and screaming in punk bands and experimental sound transformations, he is aware that the essence of cultural policies can be comprehended as a two-sided coin of economization of culture and culturalization of economy. When brushing both sides of this coin, one needs to be precise, almost dogmatic: independent culture is a decision for normativity, while everything else is just a market niche. Said normativity means brushing against the fibres, which means that the logic of power and authority, as well as life-style spontaneity must first be ejected from one’s own body and relationships. For brushing this coin, he recommends a highly corrosive acid, so the hammer and anvil will sound better afterwards. From time to time, he tours with his band, Nina Bulatovix, named after the Head of the Department of Culture in Maribor.

Fights by Gregor Kosi

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