Creativity Zentrum in Bilbao

Jone Zubiaga

Creativity Zentrum is a non-profit association based in Bilbao and it’s objective is to foster and to develop creative industries. This centre was created 5- 6 years ago as an answer to the need to help the creative entrepreneurs here in the Basque country. We saw many cities around the world putting big effort into fostering creative industries and into helping creative entrepreneurs and companies and we thought that Bilbao needed something like that. We talked to many people around Europe about the need to do something to support creative infrastructure and to create a big and strong community. We started training for entrepreneurs focused on specific topics with co-operation with worldwide recognized schools and that has developed. Nowadays besides training we also help people to create their own business, we give them support and contacts. We also do many events where people talk about their projects, share what they are doing, what their challenges are, what their needs are and they get to know many people and they are forming a physical community - people that know each other face to face. We also work internationally to bring best practises and initiatives and to help people going abroad and visiting other places and other initiatives that could be helpful.<span><br> </span>

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Jone Zubiaga

Jone Zubiaga

Creativity Zentrum in Bilbao, Spain

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